VIDEO:  Click here to view Backyard Ducks when they were baby ducks!

VIDEO:  Click here to view Backyard Ducks having a snack in the garden.

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baby duck cam on Instagram
Backyard Duck highlights: Instagram stories

INSTAGRAM STORIES:  Click here to view Backyard Ducks having fun!

VIDEO:  Click here to view Backyard Ducks walking in the autumn leaves.

Backyard Ducks take a walk in autumn
ducks in winter
Backyard Ducks eating flowers
Yvonne Blacker 

VIDEO:  Click here to view Backyard Ducks marching out of their duck house.

Coloring Pages (set of 4)

Get creative by coloring Backyard Ducks enjoying life outdoors.

Be entered to win a signed copy of the hardcover book when you email a scan or photo of your colored page to

Click button below for more info.